Forget me not/ Forglem meg ei (2019)
Format: HD
Tid: 6 min (loop)
Photo/Edit: Carsten Aniksdal
A couple of years ago, I was invited by the Norwegian Industrial Workers' Museum to create a work of art based on what is archived by my grandfather Eyvind Thiis-Evensen. He worked as a chief physician at Norsk Hydro for over 40 years and was a pioneer in the occupational health service in Norway. I started by looking in the photo archive, looking for photographs of my grandfather from when he worked at Norsk Hydro. Then I discovered several objects that fascinated me in different places in the pictures, and I got access to everything that is archived from his doctor's office. Through my grandfather, these things are part of my personal story, but they are also part of a larger story that is about work, obligations and health.
Made with support from the Cultural Council.